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Want to Become a Commissioner? Application Run-Through and Tips

Updated: Jun 22, 2021

It is almost that time of year! The Walnut Creek Youth Commission application is now open and the link is available on the City’s Youth Commission webpage. As some of our Commissioners term out or leave for college, their spots will be available to and filled by new youth members. The Youth Commission works to encourage youth to learn about and get involved with their local government as well as to create a platform to heighten their voices. Without further ado, the Youth Commission is here to give you a rundown on the application process and some advice to take with you along the way.

There are a few steps you will need to take if you want to become a youth commissioner: Start off by filling out the application form. On this form you will be asked about some basic personal information then you will be asked to answer six questions that will you to communicate with us about why you would like to get a spot on the Walnut Creek Youth Commission. We are not looking to see who has the longest or most elaborate response, it is all about content (quality over quantity). It is important to provide responses that show us your character and why you are passionate about becoming a commissioner. The commission will look over the applications received by the due date which is August 20th, 2021 and determine which will continue to the interview phase of the application process. At this point, you may be invited to be interviewed by previous commissioners and our commission advisor. Come ready, professional, and with the energy that you will continue to provide if chosen as a commissioner. Throughout this whole process you will receive emails providing you with any updates on your application status.

All youth commissioners have completed this process before and so we’d like to share some advice. On this Commission, you will be representing the youth of our city and that requires persistence, dedication, and an innovative mindset. It is important that you convey why you are a right fit for the commission. There are many incredible teens in the city of Walnut Creek, so what makes you stand out among the crowd? In the application and throughout the interview we want to see genuine passion in our future commissioners so be sure to bring your most authentic self, anything besides that can often be discerned by the interviewers. Perhaps make a list of all the reasons you want to become a commissioner and why you are especially qualified. We believe all our applicants to be remarkable, and having that list may provide you with the confidence that will put you at a certain advantage throughout this whole process.

It has been a strenuous year and we wish all the applicants this year the best of luck and cannot wait to meet some of you soon.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to email or DM us on our Instagram @wcyouthcommission

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