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An Interview with Mayor Wilk

Updated: Jul 27, 2021

In July I got to interview our City Mayor, Kevin Wilk. This experience was truly an honor as I got to learn more about Mayor Wilk and also how his experiences have shaped his leadership.

I learned a lot about the government process, getting involved in Walnut Creek, and how many golf courses our city has (2 if you wanted to know).

Thank you once again Mayor Wilk for doing this interview, and I hope you all enjoy reading it!

  1. You have had a very eccentric lifestyle, from living in Kenya for two years, to acting in several productions and commercials, to finally working in local government. How do you think all these experiences have shaped your political view and leadership skills?

Certainly I have had a lot of different experiences in my life! I believe that each of our personal experiences helps provide a broader outlook at the world around us. Having the opportunity to live abroad (4 separate countries outside the US) has helped to provide a more global perspective on issues that can impact us locally. Combating climate change and how to get community acceptance is but one example. Most of my career was as far from politics as possible, including acting, internet marketing and even starting my own restaurant delivery service well before Doordash was even conceived. Working closely with businesses and the local business community helps me to understand what these owners are going through, especially during turbulent times like the pandemic. Being able to speak to this from personal experience gives me an advantage in helping lead discussions taking a “community” approach to governance.

2. You have been very involved with the Walnut Creek community through many of our city commissions and task forces. What is something that you learned from being so active in your community that you wished you knew earlier in your political career.

One area that I’ve learned over the years on Commissions and City Council, is that there are advocates and advocacy groups in every controversial matter. Early in my Commission tenure, I usually would engage/listen to these advocates only from the meeting dais. I didn’t think it was appropriate to meet with them outside of a meeting setting. What I’ve come to learn is that it’s fine to meet, in order to listen and ask questions. I would never say how I would vote on an issue prior to our formal Commission/Council meeting, but ex parte meetings are fine for information gathering. I wish I knew this earlier, as it would have helped smooth out some of the more contentious votes.

3. During your first term you led the effort to bring free WiFi to downtown Walnut Creek. How do you see Walnut Creek continue being modernized?

Bringing free Wifi to downtown was important to me, especially as my career had been in the internet space. I also led the Council in requiring all city owned buildings to be powered by 100% clean energy, which helps lower our emissions as a city and combats climate change. Moving forward, we will see more electric car charging stations throughout the city, as well as some tests to determine the viability of electric scooters throughout the city. My dream is to eventually see an autonomous electric shuttle going up and down Ygnacio Valley Road every few minutes helping commuters and shoppers get to BART and downtown. Here is an example of one in another state: Robo Ride Promo V3

4. What is your favorite part about Walnut Creek?

My favorite part of the city is the abundance of different attractions and activities one can find just within our own city. Recreational or competitive sports? We have it. Parks to play, picnic or explore? We have 22 parks and also 2 golf courses. Open Space to hike… miles of it! And the downtown has so many different types of restaurants and activities! So if people ask me, what do I like best, I say the simple fact that there is truly something for everyone including an active nightlife downtown. Walnut Creek is truly unique in that we have an urban, suburban and rural area all within our city of 20 square miles. Try finding that anywhere else in California!

5. What is the best advice you can give to a high school student looking to pursue a career in politics?

Get involved with local issues. There are many task forces and public work groups offered annually. Meet with your local elected representatives and ask how to get involved, and help on campaigns. Volunteer or intern for legislative offices, and offer to canvass for a campaign. Nothing will help get a foot in the door faster than that! Continue to get involved during college with campus government or issues/clubs, and read up on those issues important to you. Lastly, there are clubs for everything. If there is an issue, you can be sure there is a group involved. Find out about meetings and attend to help advocate. And if so inclined, there are political party offices in every area of the county. Join one you are passionate about and make your voice heard… and volunteer! Before you know it, you’ll have already started building a political resume!


And once again, big thank you to Mayor Wilk for sharing his experience! I hope you learned something new and exciting about Walnut Creek and our government.

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